Prevention Works
Improving the health of Tennesseans by reducing the use of alcohol and drugs through policy, systems and environment change.
Improving the health of Tennesseans by reducing the use of alcohol and drugs through policy, systems and environment change.
PAT Day on the Hill 2024
Create an environment where Tennesseans live free of substance use.
Serve as the collective voice for substance use prevention by empowering coalitions, advocating for effective policies, and building strategic partnerships.
Community engagement, collaboration, cultural responsiveness, equity, trusted source, solution-centered, and sustainability.
Reduced substance use among Tennesseans. Reduced risk factors and strengthen protective factors that prevent substance use and build resiliency. Tennessee is a leader in strengthening and supporting effective, coordinated, statewide prevention.
The Prevention Alliance of Tennessee (PAT) is a public health nonprofit working to create healthier a Tennessee by reducing the burden of substance use. Funded by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, we work with coalitions across the state to spread the message of prevention. Together, our alliance fosters collaboration and leverages resources to enhance environmental strategies and targeted statewide services in the fields of substance use prevention and public health.
The Prevention Alliance is a network of over 60 coalitions that fosters collaboration and leverages resources to enhance environmental strategies and targeted statewide services in the fields of substance use prevention and public health. PAT Coalitions implement data-driven and evidence-based programs across the state, helping build Tennessee’s capacity to create stronger, healthier communities, families and individuals.
Why Prevention?
A conservative cost-benefit analysis revealed for every $1 invested in primary prevention in Tennessee, there is a $4.60 cost savings. When taken to the county level where coalitions operate, the cost savings increases significantly: the average savings in taxpayer burden spending in local communities in Tennessee where it has been measured is $13.33 (range of $6.92 to $17.73).
Additionally, by investing in coalitions, decreases are often also realized among teen pregnancies, truancies, domestic violence, crime, incarceration, child abuse and increasing academic success, community connectivity, healthy families, and economic growth.